Mile Oak Revisited

In the early 20th Century Mile Oak, north of Portslade in Sussex (now East Sussex) comprised little more than a farm, waterworks and The Paddocks racing stables (later to become a Tea Gardens and Pleasure Resort). It was not until the early 1920’s that buses finally came to Mile Oak.

This site covers many aspects of the area in the 1930’s, 1940’s and early 1950’s.

Mile Oak is the area of Portslade from the North side of Chalky Road up onto the downs. When the Church of the Good Shepherd became a Parish in it’s own right the Parish boundary reached a line running across the centre of Valley Road, at the Crossways, to Foredown in one direction and the land belonging to the old L.C.C. School in the other direction.. This was to ensure that the Parish of St. Nicolas was not too large.  This did not move the boundary of Mile Oak itself only the Parish boundary.

View of the Mile Oak Estate in 1937-38

Cockroost Hill is in the top left corner, New England Farm surrounded by trees – centre rear, and the line of pine trees to the rear of Stanley Avenue. Both New England Farm and the pine trees disappeared long ago but are still a memory to many of the children who grew up in Mile Oak.

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